Welcome to ANTI (ME)DIA - a website, blog, and portfolio dedicated to my thoughts and opinions on today's media and its effects on all of us in our day to day lives.
This little corner of the internet is my (somewhat unfiltered) journal of every single thought, idea, lesson, opinion and experience I feel I need to write about - or express through my photography and artwork.
There are a lot of things you may find here in my little internet abode - like paintings, photographs, poetry, rants, discussions, links to news articles, updates on current world events, and any other little tidbit of graphic proportions related to the media and its effects (whether positive nor negative) on everyone (both men and women).
This "welcome" is slightly vague and a bit scattered - just like this site's direction and purpose. A brain isn't organized - so why does a blog have to be?
This is not a "whiny" teen blog about sharing angsty poetry.
This is not Tumblr.
This is Anti (Me)dia -
This is not Tumblr.
This is Anti (Me)dia -
a place for expression of the little self-love we rarely see anymore in today's wildly self-oppressive society.